Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Squirrels Behaving Badly All Day Long

Hi, folks!  As you all know by now, I love to watch my squirrels!  I used to have three squirrels come into my yard, but recently that has increased to five!  One of the squirrels is smaller than the rest, but a tough little booger!  It's hilarious to watch my squirrels frolic and chase each other around the garden!  Sometimes a few of them will feed at the same time, but mostly they chase each other off from the food!  They are fun, yes,  until they're behaving badly, that is!  I have proof that as cute as these squirrels may be, they can be feisty, ornery little things too!  I hope you enjoy these!  I had to extend a little effort to get some of these pictures, but it was well worth my effort!!  I'll have new pictures of my garden soon as I complete putting new things I have out there!

I caught this crazy squirrel digging a hole in the middle of my garden!  He rubbed his body around in the hole, then scratch himself, then rubbed his body again.  Finally he just laid in the hole!  I can't figure out if he was trying to relieve himself from bug bites or if, because it was a real hot day, he was trying to cool himself off by digging down into cooler ground!  Maybe it was both!

Squirrels Behaving Badly at the feeders

I need a Squirrel Whisperer!  This feeder has safflower seed in it!  Nobody told this squirrel that they don't like safflower seed!

The attack to the suet!  This suet has hot flavoring to it!  Squirrels are not supposed to like it!  Again, no one told my squirrels!  My squirrels are either real stupid or very adaptable!

Squirrels Behaving Badly

Here's a picture of my back door which has two bird feeders and a hummingbird feeder attached. The pictures that follow will show the tenacity of one of the squirrels as it tried to get to any or all feeders!  And, yes, squirrels do like to drink sugar water!  I caught one tilting and drinking from one I have out in the garden although I didn't catch it on film.

Notice the dirty streaks on the door where a squirrel tried to climb onto the door!

Peeping Tom!                       

"If I hold real still, maybe she won't notice me"!

                                               "But, I must try!  Look what's waiting for me!"

"Uh, oh!  She's looking!  I must hold still!" 

"Who, me?  It wasn't me"!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A New Take on Different Squirrels

Hi, all;
In all my videos and pictures of my squirrels I posted on my blog, it never occurred to me that I may be treading on my squirrels rights!  That's right!  Their rights!  Do I really worry about that?  Heck, no!  But if you've enjoyed my squirrels in the past (or even if you haven't), I hope you enjoy this video and the two to follow!  Carol's niece, Julie is visiting with us and turned us on to a couple of fellows, Rhett and Link, who grew up in this area and are now out in California doing what they do best!  Commercials and funny videos!  If you don't get even just one laugh out of one of these videos then I might suggest some good mental health professionals! (The videos may be preceded by an ad but hang on! Fun is coming!)  Love you all!

Let's go to Taco Bell

I don't know about you, but I love Taco Bell!  Yes, even when over the years it's gotten a bad rap!  But here is a new way to place a take out order and have fun at it.  These boys do only what the boys can do!

Rhett and Link's Colonic Commercial

If you like tastless yet funny commercials then this one's for you!