Monday, May 21, 2012

Mothers and Family and Dogs, Oh My!

The complete Eunice Hershberger clan!

Mom (Eunice) with her four children! Back left to right:
Me (the oldest) almost 52, Tom (second oldest,
1 1/2 years younger than me), Denny (our baby,
11 years younger than me), and Jeff is in the front
(middle son, 7 years younger than me!

GG (Great Grandma) with Dartanian, son of Tom's
son, Jon!  Dartanian calls Mom GG, and they have a great
relationship if you couldn't tell from the picture!

Below: Tom!  And here with grandson, Dartanian!

Tom's oldest, Amanda with husband, Luke! Ain't they sweet!  They will be moving to Gilroy, California the end of May.  Amanda almost has her PhD in Horticulture and has been courted by and offered a job with a company called Syngenta!  Luke is a fine chef, and we know he will find a job quickly once they get to California!

Aunt Amanda & Dartanian

Amanda's good looking husband, Luke again!

Tom's son, Jon!  Dartanian's daddy!  Jon just completed his apprenticeship to be an electrician and is now a Journeyman Electrician which means he can work on his own and work for whomever he wants.  We are very proud of both Jon and Amanda!  And I love them to the moon and back!!

Jeff and his family!  Sweet wife, Julie and twin children,
Adriana & Jordan, and baby, Jarrick!
(Okay, Jarrick isn't theirs!  He's the 5 week old son of a
family friend who stopped by for a visit!) 
But...were you paying attention?  If so, email me the word Jarrick,
and I'll know you were!
It is our hope that Mom will bring Adriana and Jordan
to NC for a visit!  I love having them there and they are
both so special to me!  I know you must all be jealous
that all my nieces and nephews are so good looking and smart!

Jordan and Adriana!  They'll be 16 in August!  When did I get so old?

Below:  My baby brother Denny and his great wife, Dawn!

Thus ends the pictures of my family!  It was so great we could all be together!  I never know when we'll all be in one place again so I was happy to be able to get pictures!

Who Let The Dogs Out? Who! Who!

Every time I sat down my niece, Amanda and her husband, Luke's two little dogs would jump up on my lap!  I was in hog heaven!  Or is that dog heaven?  The little white and black dog is Gordy, and the little black dog is Jonesy (Fenworth Jones, to be exact).   I felt so loved!  

"We're leaving soon, Gordy! Do you think Aunt Dee will miss us"?
"Jonesy, settle down!  I want to get some sleep!
Being a dog is exhausting"!            

"Yes, my name is Jonesy, and I know I'm cute?!

"Aunt Dee!  Aunt Dee!  I need to hide before Jonesy tries to take my chew stick"!

Below is my brother, Tom's lab mix, Shaniqua!

"I'm just too tired to beg for food!  These humans are so boring"!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Myrtle Beach in April

Hi, friends;
I have a few things to share, but I'll be sharing a little at a time.  Carol and I went to Myrtle Beach and met our friend, Joani there.  We were there April 22-27 and here are some of the pictures I took while there!  I hope you enjoy!

Taken right outside Landry's Restaurant

Diana just Froggin' around

We went to Dolly Parton's Pirates Voyage: full of food, and entertainment with a great Pirate competition of gymnastics, water competitions, loud cannons and great animals! We had great seats! Center second row seats!  A perfect view and just far enough not to get splashed in the water competitions!

At the hotel we were on the top 21st floor with great views!

The ocean at dusk!

A view of the pool directly below us!

Dusk looking towards the huge Skywheel!

Same view of the Skywheel after dark

 And what better to do on a rainy day.....a puzzle!  Here's Joani and Carol who worked all day to complete the pictured puzzle!  Very patient ladies!

In progress!

Puzzle completed!

 So here's the end of this blog minimally highlighting our beach trip!  The next blog will detail my trip to Indiana from May 11-15!  Our whole family was together on Mother's Day so I will post pictures taken on Mother's Day, as well as my niece, Amanda's two dogs in whom I fell in love with because every time I sat down they were on my lap.  They made me feel so special!  I let you know when that next post is completed!  Hope your life is well and that you enjoy this short blog!