Monday, May 21, 2012

Who Let The Dogs Out? Who! Who!

Every time I sat down my niece, Amanda and her husband, Luke's two little dogs would jump up on my lap!  I was in hog heaven!  Or is that dog heaven?  The little white and black dog is Gordy, and the little black dog is Jonesy (Fenworth Jones, to be exact).   I felt so loved!  

"We're leaving soon, Gordy! Do you think Aunt Dee will miss us"?
"Jonesy, settle down!  I want to get some sleep!
Being a dog is exhausting"!            

"Yes, my name is Jonesy, and I know I'm cute?!

"Aunt Dee!  Aunt Dee!  I need to hide before Jonesy tries to take my chew stick"!

Below is my brother, Tom's lab mix, Shaniqua!

"I'm just too tired to beg for food!  These humans are so boring"!

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