Friday, February 24, 2012

Spring is almost here!

Spring is right around the corner especially for those of us in the southern states!  I got this idea from my Birds & Blooms magazine friends off of Facebook and thought you might find it interesting and helpful!  I plan to start some plants by seed using this!  Even if this doesn't interest you, don't miss the video I attached to the end of this "seedy" post!

Starting Seeds Indoors

You don’t need a fancy kit or special pots to start your own seeds.  All you need are some newspapers and a little tape.  Then you’ll have dozens of biodegradable pots ready for your favorite plants. Here’s how to make them:

1. Take a sheet of newspaper and cut it in half and then fourths. (You might try cutting several layers at once to save time, but use only one layer per pot.)

2. Take a small round container (we used a spice jar). Roll the paper around it, leaving about an inch of overhang at
3. Fold the overhang in, as if you were wrapping a present.  Then seal with tape. (Masking tape is more biodegradable than other kinds.)

4. Remove the jar and then fold in the edges all around the top.  This helps with stability and gives you a shorter pot.
5.Repeat until you have all the pots you want!

And if you grow vegetables, they can be used with some special friends you may have like those shown in the video below!  Thanks to Carol M. for sharing this with me!

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