Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Squirrels in caution!

Here's a little info you may like to know about my squirrels.  Normally they don't like to share!  On cold days one of my squirrels seem to tolerate other squirrels feeding around them.  BUT on warmer days they haven't apparently learned the lessons we have been taught as children....It's nice to share!  The two pictures below were taken as the squirrel was feeding off the ground!  He stopped and froze!  He heard what he thought may be another squirrel!

In the video below, you'll notice that the squirrel will eat then stop and hesitate a couple times.  He heard movement behind him.  Only after he realizes it was a mourning dove, you'll see it come in view, does he relax and continue eating.

In this last video, you will notice the squirrel wagging or shaking his tail.  Unlike dogs, when a squirrel wags his tail he is NOT happy to see you!  He is aggitated because another squirrel is in the vacinity!  It is hilarious to watch them chase each other around my backyard!  Catching it on video is virtually impossible!  They run so fast and by the time I grab my camera, the party's over!

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